nov 1


nov 2


nov 3


high-level conference on innovations in the


10:00 - 11:00
Registration and Welcome Coffee

Opening Remarks

11:00 – 11:45
Statements delivered by:
  • H.E. Rati BREGADZE, Minister of Justice of Georgia
  • H.E. Ivan Malenica, Minister of Justice and Public Administration of the Republic of Croatia
  • H.E. Davor Bunoza, Minister of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina (TBC)
  • H.E. Robin DUNNIGAN , Ambassador of the United States of America to Georgia
  • H.E. Asuncion SANCHEZ RUIZ,Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union to Georgia
  • H.E. Asuncion SANCHEZ RUIZ,Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union to Georgia
  • Mr. Gustav TALLVING,Executive Director of European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EUROPRIS)
  • H.E. Natalia VUTOVA , Head of the Council of Europe Office in Georgia
11:45 – 12:00
Break and Group Photo for the High-Level Representatives

Session I
Digital Transition in Penal System

12:00- 13:30
Moderator: Ms. Tamar TKESHELASHVILI, , First First Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia

Keynote Speaker:

  • Dr Victoria Knight, Associate Professor in Research for the Community and Criminal Justice Division in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University
  • TBC
Speakers – Country/organization representatives / experts
  • Ms. Mary KAY SERGO,Founder of Mindful Kollaborative Strategies and INL Consultant
  • Mr. Nika TSKVARASHVILI, Director General of the Special Penitentiary System, Georgia
  • Ms. Lucia PETRESCU Administration of Prisons, Romania
  • Discussion
13:30 – 15:00

Session II
Innovations in Prison Education

Moderator: Mr.Gustav TALLVING, Executive Director of European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EUROPRIS)

Keynote Speakers:

  • Mr. Thomas WUTHRICH, Chairperson of EPEA, Working with prison education in Switzerland
  • Mr. Kathleen VAN DE VIJVER International Corrections and Prison’s Association (ICPA) (TBC)
Speakers – Country/organization representatives / experts
  • Mr. Daniel DANGLADES Deputy Head of European and International relations unit Confederation of European probation, France
  • Mr. Nika TSKVARASHVILI Director General of the Special Penitentiary System of Georgia
  • Mr. Ioannis KAPNOULLAS Director of Prison Department, Cyprus
  • Discussion
Coffee Break

Session III
Training of Staff for the effective application of rehabilitation approach in digital era in penal system

16:45 –18:15
Moderator: Ms. Ketevan SARAJISHVILI, Head of International Relations and Legal Cooperation Department, Ministry of Justice of Georgia

Keynote Speakers:

  • Ms. Sylvia ALONSO, INL consultant
  • Ms. Ioana MORAR, Deputy Director General of Romanian Administration of Prisons

  • Mr. Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves, Director-General for Rehabilitation and Prison Services and Staff (DGRSP)
  • Mr. Vakhtang ZHVANIA, Director of LEPL Training Center of Justice of Georgia
  • Ms. Nadya RADKOVSKA, Commissioner, Head of department “International cooperation and training of staff” at General Directorate “Execution of Sentences”, Bulgaria
18:15 – 18:30
Wrap up of the First Day
Gala Dinner Hosted by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia